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)) dances of the anthropocene ((

the next five hundred thousand years of movement

„The cosmos is all there is, or ever was, or ever will be.“ 

— Carl Sagan


What do we have in common with future life forms, galaxies or the tiniest molecules in the universe? Will future species share our obsessions; will they also constantly trouble themselves with questions about the future? Karin Pauer’s previous work took us on a journey into the history of the universe. Her latest piece will continue this journey and take us to the future. With her unique blend of humour and wit, she will tackle humanity’s sense of superiority. Speculations, multiple spheres and a boundless stream of questions will come together in the form of sculptural body images. Together with her mother, Johanna Pauer, and dancer Agnieszka Dmochowska, Karin Pauer will seek to explore the mysteries of the universe and unveil its relations and definitions. Points of reference will be put into question, change in perspective will be encouraged: Human kind is only one version in a series of multiple versions. This cosmos consists of atoms as big as suns and universes as small as atoms. How to locate oneself in all this?

Concept : Karin Pauer

Performance, choreography:

Agnieszka Dmochowska, Johanna Pauer, Karin Pauer

Costumes: Emil Wysocki

Sound support: Andreas Berger

Artistic support: Aldo Giannotti

Light: Sveta Schwin


A coproduction by Karin Pauer and Tanzquartier Wien. With the support of the cultural division of the city of Vienna, nadalokal and Künstlerhaus Wien.

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